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Selenium Interview Questions

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» » Selenium Interview Questions Part 4

Q. How to handle frame in Webdriver?

  • Select iframe by id: driver.switchTo().frame(*ID of the frame*);
  • Locating iframe using tagName;driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElements(By.tagName(*iframe*).ger(0));
  • Locating iframe using index driver.switchTo().frame(0);
  • frame(Name of Frame);driver.switchTo().frame(*name of the frame*);
  • Select Parent window:driver.switchTo().defaultContent();

Q. How can we handle web based pop up?

  • Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();
  • alert.accept();
Q. Explain using Webdriver how you can perform double click?


  • Actions act = new Actions(driver);
  • act.doubleClick(webelement);
Q. When we can use Actions class in Selenium Webdriver test case?

  • Drag and drop element
  • Drag and drop by X,Y pixel offset
  • Selecting JQuesry selectable Items
  • Moving JQuery slider
  • Re-sizing JQuery re-sizable element 
  • Selecting date from JQuery date picker
Q. Five web driver common exceptions which you faced during test case execution?

  • Timeout Exception : This exception will be thrown when command execution does not complete in given time
  • NoSuchElement Exception : Webdrvier will throw this exception when element could not be found on page 
  • ElementNotSelectableException : It will be thrown when webdriver is trying to select unselectable element
  • ElemtnNotVisible Exception : Thrown when webdriver is not able to INTERNET with element which is available in DOM but is is hidden 

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Selenium Tutorial for Beginners from Selenium Real Time Industry Experts
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